Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus Second Coming

The return of the Lord is mentioned throughout the Bible, and it is a message that must be preached in these last days. There is a heaven and a hell, and the decisions you make in this life will determine where you will spend eternity. You must think beyond the present, look to the future and prepare for Jesus' glorious return and the rapture of the church.

A. The word "rapture" doesn't appear in the Bible. Instead, the phrase "caught up" is used when referring to this event.
1. According to Scripture, three raptures have already taken place.
a. Enoch, who walked with God and pleased Him, was the first person to go to heaven without dying a physical death.
b. Elijah was the second person to be "caught up." His rapture was a public event.
c. The third rapture was that of Jesus.

2. The coming rapture of the church will be the fourth rapture and will cause much chaos on the earth.
a. People throughout the world will disappear in the twinkling of an eye.
B. The Scriptures support Jesus' return.
1. Jesus will be seen breaking through the clouds of heaven as He returns, coming in great power and glory (Matthew 26:64; Luke 21:27).
2. The way the disciples saw Jesus depart the earth, is the same way He will return (Acts 1:11).
3. In the second coming, Jesus will appear to those who are looking for Him (Hebrews 9:28; Matthew 24:27).
4. No one knows the exact day of Jesus' return; only the Father knows (Matthew 24:36).
5. Jesus will return at an unexpected hour (Luke 12:40; 1Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 16:15).

C. The disciples asked Jesus three questions concerning His return and the end of the world (Matthew 24:1-8).
1. When will these things happen?
2. What will be the sign of His coming?
3. What will be the sign of the end of the age?
4. Jesus describes the signs of the times as birth pangs (v. 8, AMP).
a. Many of the signs have increased in frequency and intensity like a woman giving birth.
b. Many churches today do not hold to the divine truths of the Bible. For example, biblical teaching against homosexuality is being reconsidered.
c. Nations (or ethnic groups) are rising against one another.
d. Civil rights wars are erupting around the world.
e. Kingdoms (nations or countries) are rising against one another.
f. There are famines, earthquakes and plagues occurring in various places (Luke 21:11).
i. Between 1920 and 1990 (70 years), there were 10 major earthquakes. But between 1990 and 2005 (15 years), there have been 13 major earthquakes.1
ii. The bird flu, or H5N1, is predicted to kill 150 million people globally.

5. Storms have increased in frequency and intensity (Luke 21:25-26, AMP).
a. NASA has verified that the sun is getting brighter and hotter, producing radiation that affects our weather, which will cause more frequent and powerful storms.
b. The changes in the planet are a result of the earth crying out (Romans 8:22).

D. The only way people can be prepared for these end time events is to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
1. Only those who are born again will have a hiding place in times of chaos (Psalm 91:1).
2. Christians and sinners must realize the importance of renewing their minds to the things of God.
a. Often, people neglect the Word of God because they have been seduced by the mindset of the world.

Scripture References:
Matthew 26:64; Luke 21:27; Acts 1:11; Hebrews 9:28; Matthew 24:27; Matthew 24:36; Luke 12:40; I Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 16:15; Matthew 24:1-8; Luke 21:11; Luke 21:25, 26 (AMP); Romans 8:22; Psalm 91:1


Faith is a practical expression of your confidence in God and His Word. When you put your confidence in God's Word, no matter what your circumstances are, your faith becomes your victory.

A. Faith is the Believer's victory (1 John 5:4).

1. Faith is a practical expression of your confidence in God and His Word.
2. When you put your confidence in the Word, faith becomes your victory.
3. You have already been healed, delivered and made wealthy in Christ Jesus.
4. God always leads you down the path to victory (2 Corinthians 2:14).
a. Your life will be a testimony to others of how good God is.
5. God will always use faith to cause you to triumph.

B. You need faith to bring you into victory.

1. The great heroes and heroines of the Bible refused to abandon their faith in God, even when faced with death (Hebrews 11:32-40).
a. These men and women would have rather been tortured than to deny their faith.

b. They still didn't receive the fulfilment of the promise of the Holy Spirit coming to live inside of them.
i. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us to speak directly to us.

2. In order for you to be victorious in life, you must first receive the seed of faith.
a. You must first believe God's Word in order to experience victory (Mark 9:23).
b. Faith is a must if victory is your dream.
c. Just as you need oxygen to breath, you must have faith to be spiritually "alive" in the kingdom of God.

C. God will perform what He has spoken to you (Luke 1:45).
1. God won't support or perform anything that He didn't tell you to do.
a. If you are doing something God didn't tell you to do, stop.
b. Make sure you hear from God before stepping out on anything.

D. Faith commands blessings; it is your foundation.
1. Faith is the foundation to which you must add other spiritual forces (Psalm 11:3; 2 Peter 1:5).
a. You can't do anything without a strong foundation.
b. Faith is your access to the power of God.
i. Faith will connect you to your God-given ability to get results.

2. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
a. The written Word (logos) or the Rhema Word (spoken directly to your spirit) are the two ways God will speak to you.
i. God will implant His Word in your spirit through the Rhema Word.
ii. The Holy Spirit will speak directly to your spirit.

b. You must have sufficient knowledge of the written Word before you can hear God speak directly to you.
i. The written Word is the gateway to the spoken Word.
ii. Behind every scripture is a revelation that God wants to speak directly to you.
iii. The gates of hell cannot prevail against a Rhema Word spoken directly to you from God.
iv. The spoken Word of God becomes your anchor to keep you grounded through the storms of life.
v. Meditate on the written Word long enough to receive a Rhema Word from God.
vi. God's spoken Word will always line up with His written Word; His method of operation never changes.
vii. Noah was able to continue building the ark in the face of ridicule because of the Word he had received from God concerning future events.

E. The key to your victory lies in your ability to hear God's voice.

1. Saul, a persecutor of Christians, heard the voice of the Lord on the road to Damascus and his life was changed forever. His name was changed to Paul and he became a great apostle.
a. Those who were with Saul on the Damascus road all saw the light, but only he heard Jesus' voice because God's message was specifically for him (Acts 22:6-10).
b. The light represents hope, while the voice is the substance that will cause you to triumph.

2. Being able to clearly hear God's voice is critical to you being able to do exploits in the kingdom of God.

3. You may be able to hear the Word through the verses of scripture, but are you able to hear God's voice?

4. Only take steps after you have heard from God.
a. Examples: marriage, jobs, business endeavours, etc.

Scripture References: 1 John 5:4; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Hebrews 11:32-40; Mark 9:23; Luke 1:45; Psalm 11:3; 2 Peter 1:5; Romans 10:17; Acts 22:6-10


Most Christians profess God as the top priority in their lives, but how they schedule their lives often contradicts their claims. In these last days, believers must take authority over their flesh and make God and increasing His kingdom the top priority in their lives in order to see their dreams made manifest.

A. Setting priorities and putting first things first will either make you or break you (Proverbs 24:27).
1. Priority is “that which is of first importance; those things in which higher value is placed.”
2. Your schedule reflects your priorities. Make sure your schedule is indicative of your profession that God is first in your life.

B. During times of fasting and prayer, the ultimate aim is to replace the dictates of the flesh with the things of the Spirit.
1. Don’t allow your flesh to control you; when you put your flesh under submission to your spirit, you put sin and selfishness under as well.
2. Make sure your fasting is sincere and not just for show.
3. If you are not praying and spending time in fellowship with God during a fast, you are simply on a “hunger strike” and will not receive anything from the Lord.
4. When fasting, cut out external, worldly distractions such as the “6 o’clock news.” Instead, replace them with increased church attendance, prayer and Bible study time to aid your hearing clearly from God.
5. Don’t give in to the flesh by being moody; take the opportunity to develop in love.

C. Merely imitating the behavior of other Christians can get you off course and cause you to miss your destiny in God.
1. You have to know what God is leading you to do.
2. Everything is permissible for you, but not all things are profitable (1 Corinthians 6:12, AMP).
a. Example: Spending beyond your means is lawful, but God wants you to be debt free.

D. When following after your destiny in Christ, you must guard yourself against even noble distractions.
1. When one of Jesus’ disciples wanted to go bury his father, Jesus replied, “…let the dead bury their dead” (Matthew 8:18-22).
a. Jesus was trying to get this man to see things from a heavenly viewpoint so that he wouldn’t get off course.
2. If you don’t get your priorities straight, then you’ll allow circumstances and other people to set your priorities for you.
3. Your relationship with your spouse and children should not take precedent over your relationship with God (1 Corinthians 7:35, AMP).
a. Rearrange your schedule so that you spend quality time with your family while maintaining your fellowship with God as top priority.

E. You will not be able to secure your undistracted devotion to the Lord without changing the way you think (1 Corinthians 7:35, AMP).
1. Distractions are “intrusions of the mind to bring confusion.”
2. When distractions come, continue seeing things through the eyes of faith instead of what lies before you—or they will ultimately get you off course.
a. Jesus told Jairus to keep seeing his daughter healed through the eye of faith instead of allowing distractions to get him off course (Mark 5:35-36, 39).
3. When you walk in the Spirit, you see things from God’s point of view; when you walk in the flesh, you see things from man’s perspective, which provides several avenues for distraction.
4. The fleshy person believes what he sees; a believer sees what he believes.

F. The person who sees things from a godly perspective will win in life.
1. As long as you allow your flesh to control you, spiritual things can never take their rightful place as priority in your life.
a. Example: Being tired should have nothing to do with your getting up in the morning to pray.
b. You can’t say God is first in your life when you continue to yield to your flesh.
2. You must make walking in the Spirit and doing God’s Word the highest priority in your life.
3. The day you make the Word second place in your life will be the day you find yourself in the flesh, wondering why the Spirit isn’t working for you.

G. God is before all things and holds everything in your life and this world together (Colossians 1:16-17, AMP).
1. It is an act of perversion for you to put a created thing before the Creator.
2. Anything or anyone who occupies first place in your heart—including your career, family or marriage—is idolatry; guard yourself from letting that happen (1 John 5:21, AMP).
3. God can’t do the things He wants to do for you when your job, sports or anything else is a higher priority than He is in your life.
4. Don’t allow a principle such as giving to take precedent over your relationship with God, or your giving won’t work.
5. You must be willing to disregard your personal interests to give to God (2 Corinthians 8:5).
6. God is demanding ultimate loyalty from you, so you can’t keep making excuses for not serving Him (Luke 14:25-26).
7. When God is first in your life, you don’t have to fear what man will do to you.
8. Self-preservation mode is an indicator of fear and selfishness.
9. God must be in first place if He is to lead and guide you.
10. You must put your confidence in God first (Ephesians 1:12, AMP).
11. When God sees that you trust Him and can’t be moved, He must move on your behalf.

H. Wrong priorities will cause things you desire to be damned up (1 Timothy 5:12, AMP).
1. If you want things to work right, you must rearrange your priorities and put God first.
2. You can’t love the attachments of the world and expect to prosper (1 John 2:15-16).
3. When you allow other things to take first place over God, it is like breaking your marriage vow to Him (James 4:2-4, AMP).
4. Your friendship with the world makes you God’s enemy (James 4:2-4, AMP).
5. You can tell what your priorities are by how you spend your time, what you talk about and what you think about.

Scripture References:
Proverbs 24:27; 1 Corinthians 6:12, AMP; Matthew 8:18-22; 1 Corinthians 7:35, AMP
Mark 5:35-36, 39; Colossians 1:16-17, AMP; 1 John 5:21, AMP; 2 Corinthians 8:5
Luke 14:25-26; 1 Corinthians 7:35, AMP; Ephesians 1:12, AMP; 1 Timothy 5:12, AMP
1 John 2:15-16; James 4:2-4, AMP

Faith and How It Works

As a Believer, you have been equipped to walk by faith and not by sight. When you walk by faith, you continually express your confidence in God and His Word. Faith is your victory.

A. The Christian has been called to continually express his or her confidence in God and His Word.
1. Living a life of faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).
2. As long as you are alive, you are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:5-10).
3. Learn how to develop a lifestyle of faith.

B. You have been made the righteousness of God by faith in the blood of Jesus (Romans 10:6-17).
1. Your righteousness is based on what God has done, not your good works.
2. When you confess your sins and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you receive salvation; you are "saved."
a. Salvation or soteria includes protection, peace, wholeness and soundness.
b. Your words establish Jesus as the Lord of your life.
c. You are saved by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8).
d. Every Christian has been given the measure of faith
i. We all start out with the same faith level when we become born again (2 Thessalonians 3:2).
e. Your confession of faith establishes salvation in your life, but you neglect your salvation when you refuse to confess the Word.
3. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God as it is preached.
a. You can't believe the Word unless you first hear it.
b. You can't have confidence in that of which you have no knowledge.

C. Your victory is in your faith (1 John 5:1-4).
1. First, as a child of God, you must walk in love toward others (v. 1, 2).
a. You will never lose when you love others.
2. Your faith is your victory.
a. Even if it appears that you are losing, hold fast to your faith. In the end you will win.
3. Walk in a practical expression of your confidence in God's Word so that you can be an overcomer.
4. Satan has no defense against a Christian who chooses to practically express his or her confidence in God's Word.
a. The enemy wants you to believe what you can see, however, the unseen realm is more real than what you can see.
b. The spiritual realm is eternal, while the natural realm is temporary.
c. If you can see it, then it is subject to change.
d. The things you can't see (spiritual) will stand firm.
5. Your confidence in God's Word produces victory.

Scripture References: Hebrews 11:6; 2 Cor 5:5-10; Rom 10:6-17; Ephesians 2:8; 2 Thes 3:2; 1 John 5:1-4

Faith and How It Works (Part 2)

Faith can be used by any Christian who puts his or her trust in Jesus. The person who diligently seeks God and His promises will experience the reward of revelation knowledge that comes from heaven. Faith is a practical expression of your developed confidence in God and His ability to reward you, and in the seed-producing ability of His Word to bring forth a harvest in your life.

A. God is not a respecter of persons. Faith is available to everyone.
1. Anyone can use faith for whatever they need, as long as it is within the boundaries of God's will and His Word (Mark 11:23).
2. Those who hear the Word of God preached can also use faith (Hebrews 4:2).
a. The Word must be combined with faith in order to be effective.
3. Faith is a shield that can quench all the fiery darts of Satan (Ephesians 6:16).
a. Hold the shield of faith up in the face of whatever the devil throws at you.
i. You hold up the shield of faith by standing on what God has said in His Word and speaking the Word in the face of challenging situations and circumstances.
b. The shield of faith will always quench Satan's darts.
4. The brethren are qualified to use faith (Ephesians 6:23).
5. God is as free with faith as He is with love.
6. God is not a respecter of persons, but He is a respecter of faith.

B. Your ability to walk by faith is not based on your good "works", or some special ability or anointing. It is based on your trust and confidence in God, His Word and the name of Jesus.
1. Faith is not limited to those called to the ministry.
2. God was able to heal the lame man through Peter and John because the man released His faith in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:12, 16). He connected with the anointing on Peter and John because of his faith.

C. When you walk by faith, you please God (Hebrews 11:6).
1. Jesus walked in perfect faith and pleased the Father.
2. God is a rewarder.
a. God will reward you when you diligently seek Him.
b. Rewards are earned.
c. To diligently seek God is to research Him intensely through His Word.
i. Consistent meditation, prayer and confession of the Word in the face of opposition is the method by which we diligently seek Him.
ii. God will give you more than what you expect when you diligently seek Him.
iii. Be more diligent about seeking Him than being busily involved in church related activities.
iv. The diligent seeker will receive a hundredfold return from God.
v. The person who diligently seeks God will receive revelation knowledge of His Word.

D. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of the things you can't see (Hebrews 11:1).
1. Faith is the "title deed", confirmation and proof of what you are believing God to do in your life.
2. The faith of God is a combination of the promises of God and your confidence in them.
3. Faith is a practical expression of your developed confidence in God and His ability to reward you. It is also having confidence in His Word and its seed-producing ability to bring forth a harvest in your life.
a. Confidence must be developed.

Bible Ref: Mark 11:23; Hebrews 4:2; Ephesians 6:16, 23; Acts 3:12, 16; Hebrews 11:1, 6

How to Release Your Faith
To release your faith, say what you believe based on the Word of God. Your tongue sets the course for your life, so train yourself to speak the right words. Don't speak words that are contrary to what you believe.

A. The spirit of faith is demonstrated by what you speak.
1. You speak whatever you believe (2 Corinthians 4:13, 14).
2. You believe with your heart, but what you believe is established by your words.
a. You establish what happens in your life by what you say.

B. You can speak to literal things (and circumstances) and they will change (Mark 11:22-24).
1. Jesus spoke to a literal fig tree and it withered within 24 hours.
2. Don't speak idle words that you don't believe or you will deceive your heart.
3. Don't say anything when you are in unbelief or doubt.
a. Speak and meditate the Word of God until your heart is convinced of it.
4. You will receive the manifestation of your prayers when you believe the words you speak in prayer.

C. Watch your words because they create your life.
1. You can protect your heart by refusing to speak the wrong words (Proverbs 4:23, 24).
2. A wise tongue is one that speaks the Word of God needed for a particular situation.
a. If you need healing, speak the Word of God on healing (Proverbs 12:18).
b. If you need financial increase, speak the Word of God on financial prosperity.
3. The type of life you experience is determined by the words that you speak (Proverbs 13:2).
4. There are consequences for the words you speak, either good or bad (Proverbs 18:20, 21).
a. Words give birth to things in your life.
5. God always executes the words He speaks (Psalm 89:34, 35).
6. Pray and petition God to help you discipline your mouth (Psalm 141:3).
7. What is in your heart will always be reflected by the words you speak (Luke 6:45).

Bible References: 2 Corinthians 4:13, 14; Mark 11:22-24; Proverbs 4:23, 24; Proverbs 12:18; Proverbs 13:2; Proverbs 18:20, 21; Psalm 89:34, 35; Psalm 141:3; Luke 6:45

The Kingdom Success Formula

Real success occurs when you follow God's three-part formula for success which includes continually speaking God's Word, meditating on it and acting as if it is true even when circumstances are difficult.

A. Real success takes courage and faith, and has nothing to do with your natural ability.
1. Joshua is an example of someone who had supernatural success.
2. God was with Joshua.
a. When God is with you, you cannot fail.
3. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you have gone through; what matters is that God is with you and in you (Exodus 3:12).
4. God's formula for success is based on His ability and not yours.
a. Before God can release His power in your life, you have to obey His Word.
b. It takes courage to obey God's Word in the midst of worldly ideals and beliefs.

B. God's Three-Part Formula for Success is fail-proof (Joshua 1: 5, 7, 8).
1. The first part of the formula is to continually speak the Word.
a. If you want success, talk success.
b. God instructs you to speak the Word at all times, even when others accuse you of being spiritually "deep" (Deuteronomy 6:7).
c. It takes planning, scheduling and discipline to talk the Word all the time.
d. When you hear yourself speak the Word aloud, it enters your heart (Romans 10:17).
e. Your words reflect what is in your heart (Luke 6:45).
f. Refocus your attention on the Word.

2. The second part of the formula is to meditate on the Word of God.
a. To meditate the Word is to mutter, consider, ponder or rehearse it in your mind until insight comes to you about that scripture.
b. Think about the Word.
i. When the Word moves from your head (mental assent) to your heart, it will give birth to your greatest breakthroughs.
ii. When you act on the insight that God gives you, it will produce great increase in your life.
c. The Holy Spirit's job is to make victory sweatless.

3. The third part of the formula is to act as though the Word you have been talking about is true, even when the circumstances are difficult.
a. Believe you receive the Word of God you are standing on (Mark 11:22-24).
b. Be ready to act out on the Word and maintain your faith stance when pressure comes.
c. Success according to the world's standard has a price tag of misery attached to it; but the blessing of the Lord makes you rich and no sorrow comes with it (Proverbs 10:22).

Scripture References: Exodus 3:12; Joshua 1:5, 7, 8; Deuteronomy 6:7; Romans 10:17; Luke 6:45; Mark 11: 22-24; Proverbs 10:22

The Practical Ways of Kingdom Prosperity

There are seven practical ways that will lead you to kingdom prosperity: 1. Giving, 2. Working, 3. Thinking, 4. Trusting, 5. Waiting, 6. Talking and 7. Thanking.

Tithing opens you up to receive kingdom prosperity. It is your covenant connector.

A. In the kingdom of God, prosperity is determined by how much you give; in the world, it is determined by what you have.
1. God will prosper you in a way that is different from how the world prospers you.
2. Free yourself from the fear of giving.
a. Do all things in God, not in or by yourself.
3. Giving is living.
a. Give to live and live to give.
b. A lack of giving leads to “spiritual constipation.” You can’t just take and not give.
4. God’s Word has four dimensions: principle, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
5. Many enjoy the principles, such as “If you do this, then you’ll receive this.” But most don’t gravitate toward instruction; therefore, they miss out on much of what God desires to give and do for them.

B. There is a law in the school of prosperity: Acquaint yourself with God, and good will come to you (Job 22:21).
1. Agree with God; conform to and acquaint yourself with Him.
2. Seek the Provider, not His provision.
3. You were created to seek God.

C. Tithing is the first dimension of giving (Malachi 3:10-12).
1. Tithing is a commandment.
a. God’s commandments give you access to His kingdom.

2. Tithing opens the windows to the blessing (empowerment to prosper); it causes God to rebuke the Devourer (Satan) and keep him from destroying your life.
a. Tithing opens your life to wisdom.
b. Tithers have a right to the promises of God.

3. Tithing is the master key to financial miracles.
a. It is an inescapable covenant obligation.

4. When you don’t tithe, you are cursed (Malachi 3:8-9).
a. Anyone who despises tithing opens himself up to poverty, lack and want.
b. Your lack of tithing blocks the blessing.

5. A curse cannot come without a cause (Proverbs 26:2).
a. Accept responsibility for the curses in your life.

6. Your offerings cannot be accepted until you have tithed.

D. Tithing is not just a money issue; it is a covenant issue.
1. Tithing is the covenant connector.
2. Tithing existed before the law of Moses (Genesis 14:20).
3. Jacob tithed to God (Genesis 28:22).
4. The tithe is a “tenth of your increase” (gross income).
5. Get rid of the notion that tithing is an Old Testament issue.
a. Jesus encouraged tithing (Matthew 23:23).

6. The tithe belongs to God, and it is holy (Leviticus 27:30).

E. God made a covenant to bless man (Genesis 12:1-3).
1. The blessing is an empowerment to establish God’s covenant in the earth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

2. Abraham’s descendents are supposed to tithe.
a. Your children and grandchildren will be blessed when you tithe.
b. The lesser is blessed by the better.

3. Abraham connected to the covenant by tithing to the High Priest, Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-23; Hebrews 7:1-28).
a. A covenant exchange took place.

4. Jesus is our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20).
a. We tithe to the ultimate High Priest—Jesus—and He blesses us.
b. Christ’s priesthood is superior (Hebrews 7:16-28, AMP).

5. Tithe the tithe (pray and confess scriptures over it) and thank God for your deliverance (Deuteronomy 26).

Scripture References:

2 Timothy 3:16-17; Job 22:21; Malachi 3:8-12; Genesis 14:20; Genesis 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Genesis 12:1-3; Deuteronomy 8:18; Genesis 14:18-23; Hebrews 6:20;
Hebrews 7:1-28; Matthew 23:23; Proverbs 26:2; Deuteronomy 6

The Laws that governs Financial Prosperity

There are practical laws that govern prosperity. In order to experience the financial prosperity that God has destined for your life, you must learn both the spiritual and natural aspects of acquiring wealth.

A. Prosperity begins in your soul (3 John 2).
1. Prosperity is not what you have, but who you are.
2. When your soul is prosperous, financial wealth will be drawn to you.
3. You prosper your soul by meditating on God's Word.

B. You must practically act on what you believe in order to get results from God's Word.
1. Faith without works (practical application) is dead (James 2:17).

C. There are practical laws that govern prosperity.
1. The law of wise decision making
a. You must make wise decisions in order to acquire wealth.
b. Meditating on God's Word will enable you to make wise decisions and achieve success (Joshua 1:8).
c. Don't live beyond your means.
d. Keep track of where your money is going and make adjustments where necessary.
e. Get rid of credit card debt and pay your bills on time.

2. The law of diligent, hard work
a. In order to prosper, you will have to diligently apply yourself to some form of income-producing activity (Proverbs 6:8).
b. You will not prosper just by giving financially.
c. Wealth is acquired little by little (Proverbs 13:11).
d. Diligence forces prosperity to come to you.
i. Find something you like doing.
ii. Your passion points to the avenue through which you will acquire wealth. iii. Find something you can do that will be of service to others and passionately pursue it.
iii. Diligence will gain Heaven's attention.
e. Consistency is the key to the breakthrough.

3. The law of living on a budget
a. Count the cost of financial decisions you make (Luke 14:28).
b. Create a reasonable budget so you will know where your money is going.
c. Determine where you are wasting money.
d. You will save money when you know where your money is going.

4. The law of saving, planning ahead and anticipating potential setbacks (unexpected expenses).
a. Always pay yourself and put money aside.

5. The law of following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
a. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.
b. Hear both the written and spoken (rhema) Word of God.
c. Write down what God speaks to you and act on it.

Bible References:
3 John 2; James 2:17; Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 6:8; Proverbs 13:11; Luke 14:28